Psalms for Messiah

Contents 1) Lamentations 3:1-27 – I Am the Man that Has Seen Affliction 2) Psalm 22a – Why Have You Forsaken Me? 3) Psalm 22b – They Have Pierced My Hands and My Feet 4) Psalm 22c – He Has Accomplished It 5) Isaiah 53 – The Suffering Servant 6) Psalm 2 – I Have Installed My King on Zion…

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When the “Stars” Align…

There has been nothing like this soon coming alignment since the dawn of human history. All of Bible prophecy is clicking into place at the predicted, yes, even the pre-determined time. The rejection of Israel’s Messiah after 4 millennia comes into perfect sync with Israel’s restoration to faith in the one true God 2 thousand years later, and God’s foretold…

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The Order of the Return

Email from RK. Copying here for the Scripture popups… I need your help to contextualize the partial historical fulfillment of many of the following verses, and yet to present a case of the ultimate fulfillment at the end of the age Here are the prophetic passages that I am wanting to exegete and give context for as end-time ultimate fulfillment….

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Gospel of John (Online Bible Study)

We’re always thinking about and meditating on the big picture, the prophetic timeline as manifestation of the character and nature of God, our conversation in the wilderness, and the proclamation and demonstration of His coming kingdom. After a bit of wrestling with options, we’re going to turn our attention to the 1st appearing and incarnation of our Great King through…

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Galatians – (Online Bible Study)

Galatians “When It Pleased God to Reveal His Son in Me” – Galatians Ch 1 “I Live by the Faith OF the Son of God” – Galatians Ch 2 “If You Belong to Messiah, You Are Abraham’s Seed” – Galatians Ch 3 “The Jerusalem Which is Above is Free” – Galatians Ch 4 “If You Be Led of the Spirit…”…

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God’s Foretold Work (Online Bible Study)

| Hi-Res version of the general Timeline is HERE. | Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do…

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The Future of Preterism (Online Bible Study)

We’re going to try something a little different at least a few weeks in the online meeting. We’re calling it “The Future of Preterism.” It will be Bible focused, but we will be reading many verses that supposedly support a point of view that differs from our own on many key points. What IS Preterism? What is at stake for…

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The Gospel in Isaiah – (Online Bible Study)

In our ongoing Series on the Prophet Isaiah –  the great enforcer of the Covenant, we will be focusing on the climax of the Covenant, the apocalyptic inbreaking of God in the affairs of men in the person of His Messiah Jesus, on the stage of His land with His Covenant people. In this, our introductory session, we spent most…

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